Red Flags When Purchasing IPv4

Red Flags When Purchasing IPv4

Although the IPv4 market is much more mature and stable than it was in the early days, there are still opportunities for the unscrupulous to take advantage of the unwary. As veterans of those days, we would like to share some of what we see as indicators of potential...
5 Tips to Help Sell Your IPv4 Faster and Safer

5 Tips to Help Sell Your IPv4 Faster and Safer

For a lot of people looking to sell IPv4 or IP addresses, this may be their first (and last) IPv4 market transaction. Lacking experience, these sellers won’t know where to begin. We are here to help. If you are a first-time seller, or even if you’ve been through the...
Benefits of Buying an IP Address

Benefits of Buying an IP Address

Every day, users are logging into the internet and connecting to different IP addresses. While most people rely on an IP address being assigned to them, some companies take it a step further and purchase their own IP addresses. If you’re operating a business,...
Understanding the IPv4 Market

Understanding the IPv4 Market

Being an expert in the IPv4 market can bring about a lot of different questions from the people we work with. When you are new to IP addresses, there may be some basic questions that you need answered to fully understand what is happening. We’ve compiled a few of the...
The Importance of an IPv4 Lease

The Importance of an IPv4 Lease

Whether you are new to the address leasing space or have had experience, there may be some lingering questions you have about the process. We have put together some important information about IPv4 Lease process and what it takes to get started! What is an IPv4 Lease?...