by jfranzen | Nov 19, 2020
AFRINIC updates Whois and the transfer is complete.
by jfranzen | Nov 19, 2020
AFRINIC requires both the Buyer and Seller be up to date on their corresponding member registration fees (if the Seller is a nonmember Legacy holder no membership fee is required). Upon transfer approval, AFRINIC will invoice the Buyer for the transfer fee based on...
by jfranzen | Nov 19, 2020
Both Buyer and Seller must sign an AFRINIC Transfer Application before the process is completed.
by jfranzen | Nov 19, 2020
An AFRINIC analyst will request from either Buyer or Seller if any additional information such as company registration documents is required.
by jfranzen | Nov 19, 2020
AFRINIC notifies the Buyer (or the Seller in the case that the Buyer made the transfer request), that there is a pending request to transfer IPv4 space to (or from) their organization. AFRINIC asks the Buyer to confirm it wishes to receive the IPv4 space.